Yoga is an ancient practice that helps you balance mind and body

Staff Pose- Dandasana

Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold- Upavistha Konasana

Head -to-Knee Forward Bend- Janu Sirsasana

Why have private classes?

Essentially your biography is your biology so whatever  specific movements and routines u do daily will define your physical state and will be the reason u may have tension or discomfort in areas of your body. Maybe it’s  the way you sit at your desk, the direction in which you cross your legs or that heavy bag that you always carry on the same shoulder.

Everyone is unique with thier own story and potential past trauma that they might be carrying energetically but in their physical body creating pain or tightness in areas. This means a set yoga routine won’t always work for everyone the correct intelligent sequenceing and movement is soo important and will be different for each person. 

A One on one session in person will allow me to see your individual biology then I can create a tailored routine for your specific needs. Private sessions allow you to seek more guidance and receive personalised modifications accommodating any specific concerns or limitations you may have.

 It might be that u just want to do a single session and after this I can email you the routine and u continue with it  by yourself, however I know more than anyone  that self practice can be hard and it takes a lot of motivation to do so which on top of the rest of life’s curve balls is unrealistic. So a course of 1 to 1 sessions in person is  recommended but can be done virtually if need be,  keeping u accountable for your practice and making sure you are always doing the postures correctly… Repeating an incorrect movement daily could end in injuring or straining an area unessasarily. One to one sessions will guarantee u avoid this.